Following the IPV devices percentage13% and in similar number of reports, the IS device percentage 4% and Cornet device% 4%. The use of AirPhysio device helps to facilitate secretion mobilization, prevents lung collapse and maximize lung volume for cleaner healthier lungs. King M. This is the simplest way to find out more about AirPhysio while also observing how other users feel after using it for just a few days. This information should not be construed as a substitute or complement to the advice of a healthcare professional, such as a doctor. Healthcare4all is a UK supplier of medical equipment, specializing in respiratory products like nebuliser machines, pulse oximeters, and nebulizer machines for conditions such COPD and asthma. The device helps you breathe easier by clearing your lungs and airways. The AirPhysio Children is designed for children to assist in the management of asthma and/or recovery of colds and flu. The GOLD Criteria identifies the standard method by which COPD is classified and is assessed. AirPhysio is an all-natural, natural lung cleaning device that allows for the rapid removal of mucus from your airways. This device can slow down the progression of certain respiratory conditions and even prevent them from ever forming. AirPhysio treats many respiratory diseases such as COPD, emphysema or asthma, COPD, COPD, COPD, atelectasis, chronic lung disease, and bronchiectasis. This really works, it's great for my Asma.