The device is extremely lightweight and portable, so it can easily be taken anywhere by children. A comparison of bronchial drainage treatments in cystic fibrosis. This device is revolutionary in its ability to naturally remove the phlegm from your chest. Chronic obstructivepulmonary disease, also known as COPD, is a term used to describe a group lung diseases that includes chronic asthma and emphysema. It has also started selling in countries outside the US and UK. We cannot believe what a huge difference it has made in such a short space of time. Patients can alternate between using the devices based on their condition. Your airways could become blocked by mucus. These can be used to clean your breathing exerciser's surface. This device measures how fast you exhale and gives instant readings to determine if your lungs have become constricted. COPD can lead to difficulty with daily activities such as climbing stairs. It can be carried with you while on the move, and it can also be used to transport to work. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The simple mechanics of this gadget allow for good pressure to be generated in the lungs and in the airway.